This committee shall review and make recommendations to the IFC regarding matters involving student affairs. The committee shall provide advice and guidance to the Vice Chancellor for Student Life and to the Dean of Students in the areas of student administrative and campus life services. The committee shall maintain liaison with IUPUI student governing bodies. The committee membership shall include two full-time students: one enrolled as an undergraduate and one enrolled in either the Graduate School or one of the graduate professional programs. Appointments of student members will be made from nominations submitted to the Executive Committee by the IU Indianapolis undergraduate and graduate student government organizations. (Bylaw III.B.11).
Members with Term Expiring June 30, 2025
Collins, Katrina (Medicine)
Moffett, Paul (University Library)
Murphy, Emily (Business)
Liaisons for 2024 - 2025
Angermeier, Lisa (Health and Human Sciences) (Executive Committee Liaison)
Gonzalez, Margarita (Undergraduate Student Government) (Undergraduate Student Liaison)
Hillier-Geisler, Megan (Graduate Student Government) (Graduate Student Liaison)
Spratt, Jason (Student Affairs) (Administrative Liaison)
Weldy, Eric (Student Affairs) (Administrative Liaison)