IU Indianapolis Faculty Council (IFC) meets the first Tuesday of each month, unless specified otherwise. Meetings are open to everyone; however, only voting members, as specified in the Constitution, may vote on issues. All meetings are from 3 to 4:30 p.m. The September and May meetings are in-person only as is the meeting designated as the State of the Campus. All other meetings are hybrid. Special meetings of the faculty may be called by the president of the faculty, the chancellor of IU Indianapolis, the vice president of the faculty, the Executive Committee, or by petition of at least fifty voting members of the faculty. The IFC does not meet on the first Tuesday of November to allow time for members to participate in election voting.
2024-2025 Meeting Dates:
NOTE: Agendas are linked in the monthly meeting folder within Meeting Materials and Minutes and should be considered unofficial. Official agendas are available at the meeting location on the day of the meeting. Zoom recordings are linked below.
- September 3, 2024; Campus Center 002 (Theater) (Recording Link) In-Person Meeting ONLY
- October 1, 2024; Campus Center 002 (Theater) (Recording Link)
- November 19, 2024; Campus Center 002 (Theater) (Recording Link)
- December 3, 2024; Zoom Only (Recording Link)
- January 14, 2025; In-Person Meeting ONLY (Recording Link)
- February 4, 2025; Campus Center 002 (Theater) (Recording Link)
- March 4, 2025; Campus Center 002 (Theater) (Recording Link) - STATE OF THE CAMPUS; In-Person Meeting ONLY (3-4 p.m. IFC Meeting; 4-5 p.m. State of the Campus Address)
- April 1, 2025; Campus Center 002 (Theater) (Recording Link)
- April 15, 2025; Campus Center 002 (Theater) (Recording Link)
- May 6, 2025; Campus Center 002 (Theater) (Recording Link) In-Person Meeting ONLY