Steve Fox, Chair
This committee shall advise the IFC on all matters that pertain to the responsibilities, rights, privileges, opportunities, and welfare of the faculty, collectively and as individuals, including but not limited to, issues of equity, academic freedom, appointments, and tenure and promotion policies and procedures. (Bylaw III.B.6)
Members with Term Expiring June 30, 2025
Boukai, Ben (Science)
Fox, Steve (Liberal Arts) (Chair)
Herold, Debora (Science)
Janga, Sarath (Luddy)
Lippert, Frank (Dentistry)
Philips, Santosh (Medicine)
Schild, John (Engineering and Technology)
Liaisons for 2024 - 2025
Ferguson, Margie (Academic Affairs) (EVC/CAO Liaison)
Maxcy, Brenden (Education) (Executive Committee Liaison)