This committee shall (1) determine the agenda for its own meetings and for regular meetings of the Council; (2) solicit, with the help of the Faculty Council Coordinator, the interest of faculty in serving on IUPUI Faculty Council Standing Committees by the middle of March; (3) serve as the Committee on Committees for the Council; (4) conduct the elections which are governed by the provisions of the Faculty Council Bylaws, and rule on matters of dispute relating to election procedures; (5) recommend to the Council the size of N for the coming year; and, (6) perform such other duties as may be assigned to it by the Council or by the Council’s Bylaws; and (7) nominate members of the Faculty Grievance Advisory Panel for election by the Faculty Council at their January meeting (Constitution IV.F.4; cf. Bylaw III.A; Bylaw IV.C.1).
Members with Term Expiring June 30, 2025
Angermeier, Lisa (Health and Human Sciences)
Copeland, Andrea (Luddy)
Maxcy, Brenden (Education)
Medina, Monica (Education)
Stiffler, Deborah (Nursing)
Members with Term Expiring June 30, 2026
Blacklock, Brenda (Science)
Macy, Katharine (University Library)
Potter, William (Herron)
Stucky, Thomas (O'Neill School)
Liaisons for 2024 - 2025
Goff, Philip (Liberal Arts) (President)
Marrs, Kathy (Science) (Vice President)